Liv.e, 'GITHPREMIXEDITION' (Ben Hixon Mixes)

Liv.e, 'GITHPREMIXEDITION' (Ben Hixon Mixes)

Pronounced Liv, Liv.e releases a 17-track remix album for her Girl In The Half PearlGITHPREMIXEDITION. This release is remixed by Ben Hixon of the Dallas-based Dolfin Records. Hixon already has some great releases under his belt, combined with the other artists under his label, technically his releases too. The benefit of Liv.e now residing in Los Angeles is obvious, but she doesn't forget her Dallas roots saying in the Bandcamp credits for this release: 

Liv.e is always in touch with and flaunts her hometown Dallas roots.

Well, good that she didn't forget about us! An artist of this quality with work like this makes Dallas proud! Checking out this release, I've got some tracks I want to pin down and reveal my initial feelings around GITHPREMIXEDITION, but first...


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The first thing to point out is the difficulty of reviewing a remix album. Especially one that is handled strictly by one individual. Honestly, I feel limited by my lack of knowledge of the DJ scene but feel I could hold my own with the basics and some. My last outing in some of this stuff was early 2000s with Oakenfold, Underworld, Vibert, Naja, somewhere in there. So, I'll do my best. 

I feel Liv's work comes through well enough in these remixes. As a remix album, I feel this is designed to support Liv.e's intentions for their Girl In The Half Pearl album. There's a reason why Hixon has the gig. He can work the jazz aesthetic of "Lake Psilocybin". Even "HowTheyLikeMe!" has some smooth jazz going for it, which according to Spotify is among his most popular tracks. Standouts for me are, "A Slumber Party" which has a restrained drum n' bass element. I like "Ghost", and "Find Out" for the OM lounge stylings. He's also got trance covered with "Snowing!" and house with "Wild Animals", "Underground", and "Back Alley". I'm not sure where "Our Father" stands but throwing all of these styles, genres, and sub-genres, I wonder if I've worn out my welcome at this party for trying to be a know-it-all?

Shifting into the position of a casual listener and not a genre snob, this is a very enjoyable remix album to immerse yourself in if you let it. I'm not the type to dress up for anything, in fact, dressing down is how I live. This remix album though, makes me consider dressing up for a night out on the town. 





Obviously, sample the tracks below but...

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