TAN the band's "Pharmacy" is escapism that travels back in time to the '90s dance scene. 

At least according to the Eurowave duo. 

If you've ever seen the movie Blade, then TAN's single recalls the dance scene with the Pump Panel Reconstruction Mix of New Order's "Confusion", or at least it does to us.

It's also fitting to bring up that scene that precedes a battle between Blade and a roomful of vampires as TAN say that:

"“PHARMACY” leans forward with its pushing beat, building up around consistent and explosive synths that are thematically inspired by warfare."

Click on the image below to get this single and/or sign up for a free 30-day trial for Music Unlimited!

We wanted to get more in-depth with the TAN fellas and shook them down to confirm our feels about their single.

ZOE DUNE: You've said that your love for the 90's dance scene had increased which can be heard quite clearly in your "Pharmacy" single.

For us, it immediately triggered the New Order remix featured in the first scenes of the 90's move Blade.

In fact, we could hear some similarities in your single.

Does that scene at all capture some of the darkness and edginess you attempt to capture on your track?

"The vibe you get off of watching Blade certainly influenced Pharmacy in some ways.
Being raised in the 90s, we just missed out on all the occult, sci-fi goodness the 80s had to offer.
But when Blade came out, it hit us hard!
The late 90s acid/dance music and vampire slaughtering combo was mindblowing!
We would love to be featured in a Blade remake haha!

We’re super excited about you mentioning the iconic New Order remix in reference to our track because we idealize that sound soo much.

With that being said, "Pharmacy" is not an attempt to directly refer to the soundtrack, although we usually mention Blade in the creation of dark and pushing music like this… which we’ve done a lot of lately… “make it more Blade-ish, bloooodbaaath!!”

We explore this further on our debut album, coming out sometime next year." 

ZOE DUNE: You've also said that the synths are thematically inspired by warfare.

Is that a theme you'll be running with for your new album?

If so, what kind of connection does TAN make with warfare and this music?

We came up with the idea for the track on a Moog synthesizer, fooling around with it until the bass keys sounded like explosions.
It had an appealing aggressiveness to it, and then everything else took shape from there, pretty fast.
Throughout the track, there is some amount of stress and anxiety going on.
Ironically it’s super therapeutic making it!
The album is taking shape as we speak, and there will be a thematic resemblance on some of it. 

ZOE DUNE: We like how immersive the track is.

Would it be appropriate to suggest that we've essentially broken into a pharmacy and the result is a track that mimics a drug-induced dancemare?  

The druggy vibes are intended, and we could see that scenario as a pretty decent fit for the song haha! 

ZOE DUNE: What can you tell us about the two hot and sexy androids in the video and in your live performances?  

Proxy and Ariel are part of the band, and an extension of the music.
They don’t take part in producing, although we always listen to their opinions on stuff we’re working on.  

ZOE DUNE: Your music video is the perfect presentation of the atmosphere for this track as all of your videos are.

Can we expect more to come with other singles for your new album? 

Thank you! Usually, what becomes our videos have been filmed spontaneously with whatever iPhone was closest, and more probably will, but we also want to make room for new experiments on the album, both musically and visually.
So you can expect a few different things!

TAN also explain that:

"We shot the official video in an old air military hanger outside of Berlin, which has been turned into this big, artificial tropical dream – or nightmare?"

Proxy and Ariel are smoking hot, hands down and so are TAN!

For those who are visually driven, check out their killer music video which we've added to our YouTube playlist!

Be sure to set the playlist to shuffle for other great music videos!

TAN the band: Auteur ResearchFacebook | Instagram | YouTube | Soundcloud

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Written by Zoe Dune

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