Thugwidow, "A Figure Of Speech"


Ah that breakbeat sound!

It's refreshing since we don't hear is as much as we used to and therefore quite bold.

We're talking something that seized the music scene from the mid-to-late '90s.

Thugwidow's latest release, "A Figure of Speech" captures that sound we remember perfectly.

The DISPLAY label's Bandcamp page reads: 

"The label aims to showcase long form single-track musical explorations. Guest artists are asked to create an original piece with a single constraint: a 10-15 minute run time."

With the neverending shutdown of public gatherings, or at the very least cripplingly restrictive, and with Facebook cracking down on DJ performances streaming online, longform tracks such as these are very much needed and therefore welcomed.

Almost one year ago to the day, Thugwidow released another two-track hypnagogic dancehall experience called "Goliath's Twin".

As of this writing, cassettes are still available for both releases so be sure to get those!

And, even though we are all missing the live experience of nightclubing DJs, at least these releases will provide a soundtrack to this new world dystopia we've been thrown into!

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Written by Zoe Dune

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