Trump Venue Hosts Controversial January 6 Gala: Treasonous Trump or Champion of Insurrectionists?

Trump's Bedminster Gala: Aligning with January 6 Insurrectionists

When Trump brands someone, he does it for a lasting impact, shaping how the public perceives them. Since entering the political scene, Trump has consistently branded his opponents with derogatory nicknames like Sleepy Joe Biden, Crooked Hillary, Ron DeSanctimonious, and Deranged Jack Smith. These labels aim to define his enemies in the eyes of his supporters. Now, as Trump’s actions come under scrutiny, it's easy to associate him with treason—a label that fits his ongoing relationship with the January 6 insurrectionists. How about Trump the Traitor, The Coupmmander, or Treasonous Trump?

A glaring example of this connection is the upcoming J6 Awards Gala, hosted by the non-profit "Stand in the Gap Foundation." This event seeks to support and raise funds for those arrested during the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol—convicted criminals who participated in the violent attempt to overturn the government. These are the very people Trump has promised to release if he returns to the presidency.

The event’s location is even more incriminating—Trump’s private golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey. By allowing the gala to occur at one of his properties, Trump sends a clear signal of approval, even if he doesn’t attend. He could have easily refused to host the event, but his decision not to speaks volumes about where his allegiance lies.

Lindsey Graham Asked About Trump Golf Course Event

Sunday morning, Jake Tapper confronted Sen. Lindsey Graham about the event asking:

"Do you think it would be a mistake for [Trump] to go? And is it a mistake for this event to be taking place at Bedminster at all?"

Sen. Graham's response:

"My view of January 6th, I was actually there, that the people who broke into the Capitol and assaulted police officers should go to jail. They committed a crime. There are people very upset about the outcome of the 2020 election. I get that."

In fact, Graham was among those Republicans who expressed he had had enough of President Trump's shit for his entire term. 

Graham did what Republicans do and attempted to make a false equivalency of Kamala Harris' funding of activists who protested after George Floyd's death.

"But Vice President Harris tried to raise bail money for people who burned Minneapolis. I didn't like that either. So, when it comes to the parties condoning violence, I would say we both should knock it off in that regard." 

The gala organizers claim they’ve invited Trump to attend, symbolically extending a hand to a man facing multiple criminal charges, including those related to the January 6 insurrection. Some legal experts predict Trump could be in prison by September, which might explain why he could miss the event.

Adding another layer of controversy, the gala offers attendees a chance to win a plaque for the song "Justice For All." This recording features Trump reciting the Pledge of Allegiance while a choir of 20 jailed January 6 convicts sings "The Star-Spangled Banner" in the background. The song allegedly reached #1, which further glorifies the insurrection.

The event will feature former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani and MAGA activist Anthony Raimondi as guest speakers, with Trump potentially appearing if his legal situation allows. Regardless of whether he shows up, Trump's influence is undeniable, and this gala—held at his venue—highlights his enduring connection to the January 6 insurrectionists.

January 6th Committee, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

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