Donald Trump Will Pick Up Where Richard Nixon Left Off

Donald Trump Will Pick Up Where Richard Nixon Left Off

Donald Trump Resurrects Richard Nixon

We've recently been bombarded with reports of the Heritage Foundation's Project 2025. As we get closer to the 2024 Election, more reporting has recorded audio about the project's nefarious intentions.

Recently, a former Trump administration official, Russell Vought was recorded saying that through the project, they intend to destroy the independence of federal agencies once Trump takes the White House a second time.

"Eighty percent of my time is working on the plans of what's necessary to take control of these bureaucracies, and we are working doggedly on that, whether it's destroying their agencies' notion of independence."

Trump is quite often compared to Richard Nixon who was the last American president to be openly corrupt. Pop culture even made him a despot in Alan Moore's Watchmen, where Nixon is on a third term into the '80s. Who better to do that too than a political figure who was corrupt enough to defy the rule of law and try to get away with it? Now, we have another one in the form of Donald Trump.

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How Project 2025 Picks Up Where Nixon Left Off


Specifically, Project 2025 is meant to undo reforms that were put in place after President Richard Nixon was forced to resign. This was to make sure a future president didn't try to use agencies of the executive branch against political opponents, as Trump tried to do as president and through this project, wants to do it again.

Is it also so on the nose that Trump is attracted to Nixon's corruption? When he won the 2016 presidency, it was revealed that Nixon's wife Pat had predicted that if Trump entered politics, he would win. 

In 1987, the Nixons predicted @realDonaldTrump would win whenever he ran for office. Photo courtesy @nixonfoundation #PresidentElectTrump

— National Archives Foundation (@archivesfdn) November 9, 2016

Perhaps it was the other way around with Nixon having reached out to Trump but there's no doubt their sentiment for each other was mutual. Even now we see that Trump enjoys the company of criminals. It's also no mistake that Trump's association with Roger Stone also has a connection to Nixon. 

While Nixon was trying to restore his legacy, Trump has no desire to do anything other than to double down. His attempt at another presidency is for him to have another chance to destroy our institutions. Should Trump succeed in stealing the 2024 election, we're all gonna be fucked.

[Featured image from unknown]

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