President Trump denied that he ever promised to donate $1 million dollars to a Warren-chosen charity on Monday if the senator proved her Native-American heritage with a DNA test. When asked by a reporter at the White House, he said: "Who cares?" and
president trump (6)
During an appearance on Face The Nation on Sunday, President Trump's personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, found more reasons to delay a possible Trump interview with Robert Mueller. When asked about the interview, Giuliani blamed the hearing with former
While President Trump attacks on Robert Mueller are nothing new, on Sunday, the President's attacks against the special prosecutor via Twitter were over previous business disputes between them. The president claims that they both had "a very nasty &
Following reports that Donald Trump's former attorney Michael Cohen has audio evidence on Trump, it's now being reported that prosecutors have at least 12 additional audio files according to a reporter for Courthouse News.
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